At FBM we place value on going into the world and caring for those who live that ministry as our sent missionaries. Mission trips serve a unique purpose in providing practical help to missionaries on the field as well as exposing others to life in ministry, perhaps even their own calling.
“FBM exists to glorify God by obeying the Great Commission and caring for those we serve.”
We are always looking to expand our opportunities and partner with missionaries in new ways. Currently, trips being offered in 2024 are the following:
Benin, West Africa – February 24 – March 9: FULLPachuca, Mexico – March 30 – April 6: FULLTogo, West Africa – July – (VBS July 16-19, travel dates TBD):FULL- Mali, West Africa – late summer/fall – dates to be determined
- Pachuca, Mexico – October 5 – 12, 2024
Pachuca, Mexico – April 19-26, 2025:FULL
Below, you can find details for each of the trip. Please use the form at the bottom of the page if you are interested in any of our trips or if you have any questions about FBM mission trips.
If you or your church are interested in planning its own mission trip, contact us. We would love to help.
March 30 – April 6, 2024– FULL- October 5 – 12, 2024
- Additional trips scheduled as needed
Where: Walter Gomez Evangelism Center in Pachuca, Mexico
Estimated Cost: $1,500 (A $100 deposit is required to “sign-up” for the trip to secure your spot)
Ages: Open to participants 18yrs and older. Younger than 18 may be considered if travelling with a parent or guardian.
Description: Participants will help with painting and other work projects. Work will be done alongside current seminary students allowing for relational connection and encouragement. URGENT NEED: EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN. Limited to 12 spots per trip.

- July 2024 – (VBS program July 16-19, 2024)
Where: Misahome, Togo
Estimated Cost: TBD (A $100 deposit is required to “sign-up” for the trip to secure your spot)
Ages: Open to participants 18yrs and older.
Description: Participants will serve at a VBS program alongside current missionaries who are working to establish and grow church plants throughout Togo.

- Late summer/early fall – exact dates to be determined
Where: Mali
Estimated Cost: TBD (A $100 deposit is required to “sign-up” for the trip to secure your spot)
Ages: Open to participants 18yrs and older.
Description: This trip focuses on construction of concrete and block structures. Due to cultural environment, participation is limited to males.