The World at our Threshold
Reflection and Invitation from FBM’s Executive Director Stephen Simpson

I recently read a sermon by Charles Spurgeon entitled “The Missionaries’ Charge and Charter.” In it, he preached on the famous Great Commission text found at the end of Matthew 28.
Originally preached in 1861, Spurgeon commented on the tremendous advancements mankind had made and noted that “human skill has been yoked to the chariot of the Gospel.” He argued that these advancements had helped Christians obey the Great Commission. Spurgeon remarked, “Truly God has opened up the world, and brought it to our threshold.
Today, Spurgeon’s words ring even more true. Consider the advancements since Spurgeon’s sermon. Weeks long boat voyages have been replaced by hours long flights. Telegrams and handwritten letters have been replaced by email, WhatsApp and countless other communication apps.
More than ever before in history, God has opened up the world, and brought it to our threshold. With this end of year newsletter, we aim to “bring the world to your threshold.” I pray you will rejoice with us as you learn what God is doing around the world.

We believe God is calling us to attempt some great things in 2024. We pray that you will partner with us. as you read through this list of projects, consider the words of Spurgeon, “Truly God has opened up the world, and brought it to our threshold.”
By partnering with FBM, you can truly be involved in Great Commission work around the world.
Current Projects and Partnership Opportunities
1 – Central Benin Project
Still Needed: $40,000
We praise God for what He is doing in Central Benin. So much has happened this past year. Buildings are rising up ou of the ground. Relationships are being developed with neighboring villages. Wells are being dug. Solar electricity is coming to fruition. Thanks to your partnership, this base of operations is being developed.

Partner with us in Central Benin!
2 – West Africa Scholarship Program
Still Needed: $8,000
FBM missionary Cindy Faile has worked diligently for several years to develop our West Africa Scholarship Program (WASP). In 2023, her efforts were rewarded as Bourama Kamate was approved to be our first scholarship recipient. He is a longtime faithful member and current deacon of his church in Bamako, Mali. He is pursuing a master’s degree at a seminary in Bamako. It has been our joy to partner with him. We are excited to see how God will use him in the future.

Partner with WASP today so we can continue to partner with Bourama.
3 – West Africa Church Planting
Still Needed: $11,582
This fund is used in a variety of ways to advance church planting efforts in West Africa. In 2023, over $10,000 was deployed on these efforts. As we look towards 2024, we have sever needs. In Nigeria, $10,000 is needed to provide fencing and final paperwork for a piece of property purchased in 2023. In Mali, $1,000 is needed to purchase land for a new church plant. Another pastor needs $900 to purchase a motorcycle to allow him to better serve his church and family.
Partner with us to plant churches in West Africa.

4 – Rumah Lissy Salatiga
Still Needed: $12,188
God continues to bless Rumah Lissy Salatiga, an orphanage that Ken & BJ Armstrong started out of their home in Southeast Asia. New children have been welcomed this year. Some stayed only for a short time. Others have become permanent members of the Armstrong family. Each child’s story is overwhelming. Each child needs Jesus. At Rumah Lissy Salatiga, they see and feel the love of Christ on a daily basis.

As you might imagine, there are significant costs associated with caring for these children. Over $20,000 has been spent in 2023 caring for and educating these children. The bulk of costs were for specialized tutoring, therapy, and medical care.
Partner with us to care for the orphans at Rumah Lissy Salatiga.
5 – Togo Misahome Church
Still Needed: $70,000

God has tremendously blessed the church in Misahome, Togo. In 2023, a two-story building was built on the church property that provides guest housing, classrooms and storage. Public restrooms have also been built. As we look to 2024, our goals include a new sanctuary for worship and a home for a pastor. Please rejoice with us at what God has done and pray for God to continue to provide the remaining funds needed.
Partner with us to assist the church plant in Misahome, Togo.
6 – Missionary Encouragement Fund
Still Needed: $3,824
FBM’s Missionary Encouragement Fund is used to meet the unique and often unexpected needs of our missionaries. So far, in 2023, we have deployed thousands of dollars to specifically help our missionaries. We have helped with medical needs, travel costs, debriefing costs, and more. Your gift will help us to respond quickly whenever an unexpected need arises.

Partner with us to encourage our missionaries!
7 – CETyM Seminary Projects
Still Needed: $30,991
Since 1955, Centro de Estudios Teologicos y Ministeriales (CETyM) has been training students for ministry. Today, the ministry operates from a beautiful campus in Pachuca, Mexico. In 2023, FBM increased our efforts to repair the campus through the use of Mission Teams. Walls were repaired and painted. Windows were sealed. Bathrooms were renovated. As we look towards 2024, we anticipate making additional improvements. Lord willing, we will improve the roads, continue paitning, repair skylights, and add some fencing.

Partner with us today to help us improve the campus in Mexico.
8 – National Partner Vehicle
Still Needed: $5,900

We have the privilege of partnering with Jose Maradiaga in Nicaragua. He is a graduate of CETyM, our seminary in Pachuca, Mexico. Jose lives in Managua but ministers throughout the northern part of the country. For some time, Jose has needed his own vehicle. Currently, he has had to borrow vehicles from friends to travel north for his ministry activities.
Partner with us to provide a vehicle for Jose.
9 – Annual Fund
Still Needed: $26,000
The Annual Fund is one of the most foundational ways that you can partner with FBM. Your gift supports everything we do by providing a source of income for both expected expenses and unexpected opportunities. Help us reach our 2023 goal by the end of December. When you give to the Annual Fund, you partner with FBM in its mission of “glorifying God by obeying the Great Commission and caring for those we serve.”
2024 Prayer Calendar Available
We have prepared a 2024 Prayer Calendar that will help you pray for FBM throughout the coming year. Each month highlights a different country and specific prayer needs for that region. Partner with us by praying for the work God is doing through FBM around the world.

If you’d like to receive one of these free calendars, please contact us. Let us know you’d like a calendar and be sure to provide an updated mailing address. We will happily mail it to you free of charge.