Dear Friends,

I am writing to you today from “quarantine.” Covid has finally come to my home. Yesterday, FBM Missionaries Colin & Teena Ovenell, and their children, arrived in Winter Haven. Today, I tested positive for Covid. Ironically, this was my ninth Covid test since March 11 and the first one to come back positive!
In spite of my disappointment over not being able to spend time with the Ovenells, I have much to be thankful for. I am thankful that the Covid symptoms in our family have been mostly mild. I am thankful that I did not test positive while I was in Africa last month!
Trip to Nigeria & Togo
I praise God for last month’s trip to Nigeria and Togo. In Nigeria, I was able to be a part of the Funeral Services for David Jacobs. Dr. Jacobs was 80 years old when God called him home. He and his wife, Comfort, served God faithfully for many years in Nigeria. I had the joy of visiting 3 of the 4 churches that they helped plant in Nigeria. I also had the privilege of meeting all four of the men who pastor these churches. Praise God for their faithfulness in pastoring these churches. Please pray for Comfort as she makes decisions about her future ministry.
In Togo, I was hosted by Koku & Akpene Akakpo. It was such a joy to stay in their home and to enjoy their hospitality. I saw the churches in Missahome and Djagble. It was amazing to see all that God has done during their first year of full-time service in Togo. God is using Koku & Akpene in some unique ways to spread the Gospel in Togo.
Looking Ahead
We are making plans to be at the GARBC Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, this year. If you are attending, please remember to stop by our booth to say hello.
Additionally, I am looking to present the ministry of FBM. Please let me know if you or your church might be interested in having me come. I am able to preach in your services, share a presentation about FBM, or a combination of both. If you are interested in this, please contact me at
Thank you for so much for your faithful partnership in the Gospel. Your support of our missionaries is a wonderful blessing and encouragement. Please contact us if we can ever serve you or your church in any way.
Stephen Simpson