Do you ever feel overwhelmed? I do. Often.
COVID-19 has been and continues to be overwhelming. Parenting my children is often overwhelming. The beginning of a new school year is often overwhelming. We are working on a new website for FBM and it is proving to be overwhelming. Life is often overwhelming. What are we to do about this?
Let’s remember what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:
“Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you” (1 Cor. 15:1-2, ESV)
When we feel overwhelmed, let us hold fast to the word! There is true comfort in the Word of God. There is peace and safety in God’s Word. When we are overwhelmed, let us look to the One who is never overwhelmed and let us find comfort in His Word.
FBM is still caring for our missionaries. Too often, missionaries are struggling and they feel like they cannot tell anyone about it. This is where FBM helps. We come alongside missionaries and encourage them. We support them and defend them. We love them and pray for them. In short, we care for them.
This month I ask you to pray for several of our missionaries:
- Ken & BJ Armstrong (Southeast Asia)
- Ken & Sarah Beckley (Niger/Benin)
- Cindy Faile (Mali/Benin)
- Kathy Miller (Niger)
- David Roberts (Mexico)
- Paul & Eunice Unruh (Mexico)
- Tim & Richelle Wright (Quebec)

All of these missionaries serve in some form of Christian Education. Pray for them as the school year begins. Because of COVID-19, the beginning of this school year will be like no other. It will be filled with new policies and tremendous uncertainty. It will very likely be overwhelming. Pray that our missionaries will hold fast to the Word!
Thank you so much for your faithful partnership in the Gospel. God is using you to accomplish His purposes around the world. God is using you to help us love and care for our missionaries. Please let me know if we can ever serve you or your church in any way.
May God richly bless you.

Stephen Simpson