Just one month ago, I was preparing to travel to Niger to visit with our missionaries and to attend a graduation ceremony. I returned to the US on March 17th and found our country to be greatly changed. We are living in an unprecedented time. You are most likely hearing that statement every day. It is true. Most of us have never experienced anything like what we are currently experiencing.
However, let me encourage you. We have a God who does not change. He does not faint nor grow weary. Even though everything around us has changed dramatically and continues to change each day, our God has not changed one bit. He is still in control. He is still sovereign.
My family loves to sing and there is a new song that we have recently been learning. It has reminded us that Christ is our only hope in life and death. What a timely reminder! In the midst of these difficult and trying times, there is still hope. Hope is found in Jesus Christ. May you be encouraged today as you read this and may you be filled with the peace of God.
In spite of the difficulties around the world, FBM missionaries are continuing to minister. Wells are still being drilled, believers are being encouraged, discipleship is happening, translation work continues, and families are being strengthened. Our missionaries are following the guidelines of each respective country where they live. I am in frequent communication with them. They are not being foolish or careless.
Please join us in praying for our missionaries:
- Please pray for Paul & Eunice Unruh in Mexico. Both of them contracted the virus and experience significant health struggles. Eunice seems to be mostly recovered, but Paul’s recovery has been much slower. Pray that he will regain his strength and energy.
- Pray for the Armstrong family in South East Asia. They have had several health needs lately. One of the children recently fell and broke her hand. She has had surgery is recovering well. Pray that Lissy Joy will heal and recover completely.
- Pray for property disputes in both Benin & Nigeria. Pray that our missionaries will have a strong testimony as they engage with local governments and unbelievers. Pray that these disputes will be resolved completely and without excessive cost.
- Pray for the finances of our missionaries. As you undoubtedly know, the current situation in our world is both a health crisis and an economic crisis. This economic crisis will most likely have a profound impact on many of the churches and individuals who partner with our missionaries. Pray that God will continue to provide for our missionaries.
Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with FBM. Please let me know if there is ever any way that I can serve you.
May God richly bless you.
Stephen Simpson