Dear Friends,
This month, we have so many reasons to praise the Lord. Shortly after my last letter to you, my family embarked on a long 19-day road trip. We covered over 3,600 miles. It was a fantastic trip! Thank you for praying for us as we traveled. Here are some of the highlights of our trip.
- We spent time encouraging FBM Missionaries David Totman and Koku & Akapene Akakpo.
- We fellowshipped with retired missionary Rich Melvin.
- We worshipped at First Baptist (Littleton, IL), Faith Baptist (Camp Point, IL) and then Brown Street Baptist (Alton, IL).
- We shared the ministry of FBM at the GARBC Conference in Des Moines, IA. While there we connected with many Pastors and church leaders – many of whom love and support our missionaries.
- We enjoyed a family vacation in St. Louis. Our family enjoyed the Zoo, the Science Center, the Arch, the City Museum, and the 4th of July fireworks under the Arch!

This past weekend we had the privilege of hosting Kathy Miller in Winter Haven. She worshipped with us on Sunday. On Monday evening, our board hosted a dinner for Kathy. We had such a great time fellowshipping with her and encouraging her. Please pray for Kathy as she returns to Michigan for a few weeks and then returns to Niamey, Niger for the beginning of the school year at Sahel Academy.
On Monday, July 15th, Chris & Diane Marine will be leading a mission team from Pleasant Hill Baptist Church (Sterling, OH) to Benin. One of our board members, Jeremy Pletcher, and his daughter Sarah, will also be going with them. This team will be helping Joe & Amy Marshall complete a work project. Pray for safety on this trip. Pray that God will use this trip in the lives of each team member. Pray that God might even call some of them into full time missions.
Our 2019 Project to complete a Guest House Renovation in Niger is moving forward. We rejoice that funds continue to come in for this project. God has provided all of the funds for Phases 1 & 2. We are praying for about $8,000 to completely fund the 3rd and final phase. We are rejoicing that we have a full team of men who will be travelling to Niger in October to do the work of this renovation. It is always exciting to see how God answers prayer.
Here are a few more prayer requests I would like to share with you this month.
- Pray for Koku Akakpo. His ordination council is scheduled for Saturday, August 3rd at First Baptist (Littleton, IL). Pray that this will go well and will be honoring to Christ.
- I am leaving Saturday (July 13) for Mexico. I will meet with some missionaries and national pastors. Please pray for FBM as we consider some partnerships in this area of the world.
- Last month I asked you to pray that Ken & Sarah Beckley would find housing in Niamey before they returned in August. We are praising God for His provision. He has provided a house where they can live through the end of 2019. Praise the Lord.
- Pray for an August trip to Indonesia. The tickets have been purchased. Pastor Larry Lindow (Cornerstone Baptist, Lakeland, FL) and a young man from my home church (Jacob Vegter) will be traveling with me to visit the Armstrong family.
Thank you for your faithful support of FBM and its missionaries. Please remember to pray for FBM. May God richly bless you!
Stephen Simpson