Dear Friends,
Greetings from Sunny Florida. As I write this, it is hot and humid. Here in Florida, as well as around our country, the uncertainty around COVID-19 continues. When I search the internet, it is nearly impossible to discern what is true. And yet, when I search the Scriptures, I have full confidence that every word is true. There is great comfort in the Word of God. I pray that you will be comforted and encouraged today by the Word of God.
In spite of the difficulties, FBM continues to care for our missionaries. We are working hard to accomplish our vision of being the world leader in missionary care. In just a few days, I will be traveling to Pharr, TX to help missionary Paul Unruh for a week. Pray that we will both enjoy good health and accomplish much on this trip.
We praise God for His protection of our missionaries in West Africa. Recent events raised the level of insecurity and uncertainty. Many of you prayed fervently for some of these situations. Thank you for faithfully praying for our missionaries.
At the beginning of June, we mailed out our first edition of The Rope. The Rope is a printed quarterly newsletter that is distributed to our entire FBM community. Moving forward, each issue will feature one missionary family or project. Hopefully, you enjoyed our first edition and the story of the Marshall family and their Skoolie.
Click here to download The Rope or contact us if you would like to be added to the mailing list.
Look for our next edition to arrive near the beginning of September. It will feature Koku & Akpene Akakpo and their calling to return as missionaries to Togo. I know that you will enjoy reading their story.
Please continue to pray for FBM and its missionaries. Our missionaries are spread across 10 different countries. Pray about decisions regarding travel. Current realities make nearly every decision difficult. Even simple tasks like renewing passports are now complicated and challenging. Pray that we all would not live in fear, but would live by faith, trusting completely in God’s sovereignty.
Thank you so much for your faithful partnership in the Gospel. Please let me know if there is ever any way that we can serve you.
May God richly bless you.

Stephen Simpson