Dear Friends,
We serve a great God. Since my last update, it has been simply remarkable to see all that God has done in the lives of our missionaries. He is providing and meeting the needs of FBM and its missionaries. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

In May, I had the privilege of traveling to Phoenix, Arizona to visit with David & Comfort Jacobs. I met several of their Pastors and individual supporters. It was a blessed time for me to express my gratitude for their faithful support of the Jacobs. Please pray for David & Comfort as they travel and prepare to return to Nigeria in November.
Last night, our board hosted a dinner here in Florida with Ken & BJ Armstrong and their family. Ken & BJ are home for just a few weeks and then return to Indonesia on June 17. God is truly blessing their orphanage ministry in Indonesia. Please pray for God to meet all of their needs as they care for these children. Pray also for safety as they return to Indonesia.
On June 18, my family (all 6 of us) will leave on a 19-day road trip. We will drive from FL to Chicago to spend some time with David Totman. From Chicago, we will drive south for a visit with retired missionary Rich Melvin. Then we head to Littleton, IL to visit Koku & Akpene Akakpo and their sending church, First Baptist of Littleton. I will be speaking at First Baptist all day on June 23rd. We then drive to Des Moines, IA for the GARBC National Conference, June 25-28. Look for us at the FBM table! After the GARBC conference, we will have some family vacation in St. Louis before driving home to FL. Pray for our family as we travel.
In July, Kathy Miller will visit us in Winter Haven, I will then travel to Mexico, and we are sending a work team to Benin to encourage Joe & Amy Marshall.
Here are a few more prayer requests I would like to share with you this month.
- Pray for Ken & Sarah Beckley and their youngest son Stephen. They are preparing to return to Niger, West Africa in August. Pray that they will find housing. Pray that their transition back to Africa will go smoothly. Pray also for their older three sons as they remain here in various places across the US.
- Pray for an upcoming trip to Indonesia. Lord willing, I will travel to Indonesia in August to visit the Armstrong family. Pray that all of the details for this trip will be finalized and that tickets can be purchased at a reasonable cost.
- Pray for our October Mission Trip to Niger. We have tentatively scheduled a mission trip to Niger for October 5-19. This team, led by Chris & Diane Marine, will renovate the existing recording studio and office building in order to create a guesthouse. Please let me know if you are interested in joining this team. There are still a few spots open.
- Pray for the health and safety of our missionaries. Many of them live near the Sahara Desert where this time of year brings extreme temperatures. Many of our missionaries also live in unsafe places where lawlessness is rampant and Christianity is hated. Pray that they will be strengthened and encouraged.
- Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for all that God is doing through FBM and its missionaries. Souls are being saved. Christians are being discipled. Orphans are being loved. All of this is possible because you have partnered with us to accomplish what God has called us to do.
Please pray for FBM. Thank you for your faithful support of FBM and its missionaries. May God richly bless you!
Stephen Simpson