Last month I began this letter with the question, “Do you ever feel overwhelmed?” At the time, I was thinking primarily about COVID-19. Since I wrote those words, our missionaries in Niger have experienced a new level of “overwhelmed-ness.” Currently, Sahel Academy, a Christian school in Niamey, Niger, West Africa, is under water. FBM has had various missionaries serve at that school for many years. I have visited that school several times and even spoke at their staff retreat last fall.
As the Niger River swelled, the wall around the campus failed, and water flooded the campus. Water on the campus is anywhere from 2-6 feet deep. Needless to say, school was not able start on time and at this point, it is uncertain when school will start.

Our missionary, Kathy Miller, serves as the Elementary Principal at Sahel and also lives on campus. Her home has flooded and she, along with so many others, have had to find alternate housing.
Our Niger field director, Tim Phillips, wrote the following:
Please pray that the (Sahel Academy) leaders can find adequate housing not only to live in, but also for the school for this year. I am not sure what else we can endure here, but we have faith in God, who will supply all our needs. Within the last month, we have been faced with Covid-19, terrorism, and now floods.
Please pray for our Nigerien friends who have lost just about everything as well. Houses are falling or flooding and so many have no place to go. I told one family to come to the mission and we can at least set up a tent or two for them to use. So many on that side of the river are displaced. Please pray that the river will recede very quickly.
(from a recent Tim Phillips prayer letter)
Please pray for Kathy Miller and all of the missionaries at Sahel Academy. Pray that God will provide for all of their needs. FBM has a West Africa Relief Fund that is designed to help with emergencies like this. Please consider a gift to our West Africa Relief Fund to help Kathy Miller and others during this incredible time of need. Simply mark your contribution to “West Africa Relief Fund” and send it to our office.
On another note, I do have a couple of trips planned for this month. Lord willing, I will be travelling to Indiana and Oklahoma. I am looking forward to worshipping at the following churches. If you are near any of these churches, please let me know if you would like me to visit you. I am happy to do so. Simply contact our office and we will try to set something up.
- Bible Baptist Church, Kokomo, IN – Sun, 9/13, AM
- Faith Bible Church, Lawton, OK – Sun, 9/20, AM
- Post Oak MB Church, Indiahoma, OK – Sun, 9/20, PM
Thank you so much for your love and concern for our missionaries. Your partnership in the Gospel is such an encouragement to us all. Please let us know if we can serve you in any way. May God richly bless you.

Stephen Simpson