Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yesterday, my pastor preached a message from Psalm 27. I was reminded of David’s familiar words in verse 13, “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!” At my small group meeting last night, we spent time reflecting on the “goodness of the Lord” that we have seen in our lives. As we reflect on God’s goodness in the past, it gives us the confidence to look toward the future.
Earlier this month, we had the honor of hosting Comfort Jacobs here in Central Florida. It was so great to worship with her and to spend some time fellowshipping with her. We praise God for the ways He has used Comfort in the past and is continuing to use her today.
Trip to Benin

Last month, I had the privilege of visiting two of our missionary families in Benin – the Beckleys and the Marshalls. The purpose of the trip was to see how they are doing since last fall’s evacuation and also to visit a piece of land that FBM is considering purchasing. The trip went really well. Our missionaries were an incredible blessing to me. Additionally, we all agreed that God is leading us to purchase this land. When I returned home, our board approved the purchase of the land and sent the funds to complete the purchase. Praise God for His provision! Now, pray as our missionaries work to complete the necessary paperwork and finalize the purchase. You will be hearing much more about this land in the months to come as we hope to develop it for future ministry in Benin.
Mission Trips
I am excited to announce to you that Bill Donnan has agreed to fill the newly created position of Mission Trips Coordinator for FBM. Bill lives in New York and is a faithful member of the Baptist Church of Northville in Northville, NY. Bill has experience leading mission teams to both Haiti and Mali. Last weekend, Bill and I traveled to Pachuca, Mexico together. I wanted to show him the Seminary in Mexico and also just wanted to spend some time with him. I returned from our trip convinced that Bill is going to be a tremendous blessing to the entire FBM family. Be looking for more information about 2023 Mission Trips opportunities. If you have any questions about Mission Trips, please contact Bill at bill@faithbaptistmission.org.
Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with FBM. Because of your partnership, we are able to “glorify God by obeying the Great Commission and caring for those we serve.” May God richly bless you.