Dear Friends,
“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth forever.”
There are so many reasons to give thanks unto the Lord. This month, let me share four specific reasons.
God blessed in my trip to Mali.
I saw and learned so much about the work our missionaries are doing there. I spent time with Rich & Anna Marshall, Cindy Faile, and Faye Obgartel. They are busy drilling wells, teaching at IBB (a Bible Institute that trains nationals), and providing medical care in the villages. The impact they have had in Mali over decades of service is staggering. I praise God for His protection as I traveled and for His provision in making this trip possible.
God’s church in Mali is thriving.
I met numerous God-honoring Malian pastors. These men love the Lord and serve their churches faithfully. Their dedication, commitment, and conviction was a powerful testimony to me.
The Songhay of Timbuktu New Testament is complete.
After 18 years of hard work, Christians in Northern Mali have the New Testament in their own language. Witnessing the dedication service of the new Songhay NT was a unique highlight. Praise God for His Word!
God blessed at three recent mission conferences.
I had to privilege of speaking at Faith Baptist Church (Winter Haven, FL). Chris & Diane Marine were able to speak at Southside Baptist (Sebring, FL) and Bethany Baptist (Avon Park, FL). What a joy it was to share the ministry and vision of FBM.

Much like February, March promises to be a busy month. I will be traveling to New York for a few days to visit with our missionaries Ken & Sarah Beckley. While there, I will be speaking at Bethel Baptist Church in Vestal, NY on Sunday morning, March 17th. That evening, I will speak at Grace Baptist Church in Dansville, NY. If you are nearby, please stop by and say hello. On March 24th, we have the privilege of hosting our missionary Colin Ovenell & his family. They will be with us in Winter Haven for a few days before they make the journey home to Washington for a time of furlough. On March 10th, look for Chris & Diane Marine at Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
After well over 30 years in West Africa, Dan & Marsha Haynes are transitioning back the United States. Please pray for them as they close out their ministries in Niger. On March 25, they leave Niger and return to their home in New Hampshire. Pray as they begin a time of furlough and reporting to their churches and supporters.
Finally, please continue to pray for our 2019 Niger/Benin Renovation Project. This project involves making significant renovations to some existing facilities on our Niger compound. These renovations will result in a much needed guest house in Niger. These renovations are broken down into three phases. I am thrilled to let you know that all of the funds have come in for Phase One! Praise the Lord!
- Phase One –
renovate the recording studio into an office building – $10,000Funds received! Praise the Lord! - Phase Two – renovate the office building into a guesthouse – $10,000
- Phase Three – install a well, pump, water tower to service the entire compound – $15,000
We are scheduling a mission trip to Niger in early July. Lord willing, we will take a team of 6 men to Niger to begin the renovations referenced above. Please pray about joining us. Contact me if you are interested in joining this team.
Please pray for FBM. Pray for our 2019 Project. Pray that the remaining funds would be provided. Pray for the mission trip scheduled for July. Pray for my upcoming trip to New York. Pray for good meetings. Pray that the name of Christ would be magnified all across the world.
May God richly bless you!
Stephen B. Simpson
PS – Please visit our Giving Page to learn how you can support FBM financially.