In Philippians 1, Paul writes, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…because of your partnership in the Gospel.” We are truly thankful for each one of you. Throughout this year, God has used you to be an encouragement to our entire FBM family. Thank you so much.
As we approach the end of 2021, we would like to share this Special Edition of “The Rope” with you. It highlights many of the exciting projects that our team is currently involved in around the world. As the end of the year approaches, please consider “holding the ropes” with our missionaries through prayer and financial support.
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.

1. Under the direction of Koku & Akpene Akakpo, the church in DZAGBLE has been renting the property to hold services for the past three years. Renting land can be risky because the owner can kick you off the property at any time. God has blessed the church with several new members. With the church continuing to grow they would like to purchase land and build a more permanent structure to hold services. Will you help the church in Togo purchase this land?

2. Evangelist David has used his two wheeled motorbike to visit numerous villages around Niamey, bringing Bibles, gospel radios, relief food and medicine to those who need it. Due to terrorist activity, the government has recently banned the use of two wheeled motorbikes outside city limits. David has been walking in order to conduct Bible studies to these villages but is limited in the amount of villages he can visit and equipment he can bring with him. The purchase of a three wheeled motorbike will greatly enhance David’s evangelistic work. Will you help David continue his ministry in the villages around Niamey?

3. Since September 2020, we have deployed over $66,000 helping those in Niger who were severely affected by the flooding that took place. The needs there are still great and we continue to help. Help us replenish our West Africa Relief Fund so that we can continue meeting needs. FBM Missionary Tim Phillips writes, “When this project got started, I had absolutely no idea how big it can become and how many needs are out there.” Will you help us continue to bring relief to those who are suffering in West Africa?

4. In Nigeria, the majority of Isanlu youth roam the streets. Most of them are unemployed and have few prospects for employment.
Galilee Bible Baptist Church, with the help from David and Comfort Jacobs, plans to reach these young people through a Vocational Center. This center will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ while also teaching valuable vocational skills to the Isanlu youth. They have an opportunity to receive training in secretarial studies, welding/fabrication, micro-irrigation and tailoring skills so as to be self-employed responsible citizens of the community. Will you help provide a vocational education to the Isanlu youth?

5. Bible Baptist Church in Ilorin, Nigeria, with help from David and Comfort Jacobs, desires to build a mission guest house on church property. The mission guest house will provide lodging for those who are attending mission conferences and church events. It will also serve as a place to share the gospel of Christ to all the guests who stay there. Will you help supply the funds to start construction on this mission guest house?

6. In all of our West African fields, FBM works closely with national pastors. Most of the time, these pastors lead churches that cannot pay them a salary. Often, the pastor is bi-vocational and works outside of the church in order to provide for his family. We are establishing this fund for the benefit of these pastors and their churches. These funds will be used to encourage pastors as needs arise. This may include medical expenses, gifts of food, assistance with church construction, or any other need that may arise. Will you help support these national pastors?

7. In 2019, property was purchased in Mali for the development of a multipurpose camp. When finished, this camp will be used for conferences, retreats, camps, offices, and more. Eventually, this property will include facilities for the Bible Institute (IBB), FEEB Offices, and guest rooms for traveling pastors. We praise God for providing all of the funds for Phase 1! West Africa Missionaries have been busy hosting work teams and organizing nationals to complete the work. We are now looking towards Phase Two. This phase will include construction of a large covered gym which will double as a large open-air meeting room during camps and retreats. It will also include construction of dorms for both men and women. We anticipate that Phase two will cost an estimated $100,000. Will you help us complete phase two?

8. In a country where about 60 percent of the pastors have no theological training, our scholarship fund is set up to help needy young men and women who otherwise would find it hard to prepare for the ministry. Most of our students come from low income families or are married. This makes paying for tuition, room, and board nearly impossible. A one year scholarship costs $2,000 and includes tuition, room, and board. We are asking God to provide 10 scholarships so that more leaders can be trained to lead the church in Latin America. Will you help us train these future leaders?

9. In Mexico, correspondence classes are used to help adults, teen, and children study the Bible. Two years ago, we started translating some of these courses into one of the indigenous languages in the state of Chiapas for people who speak very little Spanish. God is blessing this effort! So far, four courses have been translated and there are 150 people enrolled in this project. Will you help people grow in their knowledge of the Word with a gift today?

10. The church in Misawome, Togo, currently meets in a temporary shelter. It was built during Koku & Akapene Akakpo’s 2015 visit to Togo. Today, it is falling apart and needs to be replaced. Additionally, constructing a new building would provide room for children’s ministries and Sunday School. Will you help the church build a more permanent building?

11. For several years, FBM has had a Missionary Encouragement Fund that we have used to meet the needs of our missionaries. Since Sept. 2020, we have authorized over $35,000 from this fund to directly help and encourage our missionaries. We have used these funds for a variety of reasons. We have replaced laptops and cell phones. We have helped some of our Stateside missionaries with significant repairs to their homes. We have helped ship containers overseas and have assisted with overseas renovations. In short, we use these funds in any way possible to encourage our missionaries. Recently, we have been presented with the opportunity to come alongside our Benin missionaries who were forced to evacuate from Northern Benin. This fund enables us to respond quickly whenever a need arises. Will you help us encourage our missionaries?