Dear Friends,
We are rejoicing at what God has done. Just this past weekend, we held our first ever “Heart for Missions” banquet. It was a wonderful time of sharing about how God has changed lives through FBM and its missionaries. We also invited individuals to partner with us in “holding the ropes” for our missionaries. We had roughly 85 people attend and so far, nearly $6,000 has been raised to support the ministry of FBM. We praise God for these new partners and for His abundant provision.

Another highlight from this past weekend was a visit to Winter Haven by Dan and Marsha Haynes. On Sunday, March 8, we honored them publicly for their 34 years of service in West Africa. It was a special privilege to hear them talk about what God has done in Mali and Niger. Praise God for faithful servants like Dan and Marsha Haynes.
Later today (Tuesday, March 10), I will fly to Niamey, Niger. I am going to attend our Niger Bible School graduation. The six men that are graduating have been attending night classes for many years. This school, led by Steve Nunemaker, is making a difference in the lives of these men. We praise God for Steve and Julie Nunemaker and their ministry of theological training. Please pray for me as I travel. Pray for good travels, good health, and that I will be an encouragement to all that I meet with. Pray also that there are no travel delays or complications.
One final prayer request this month is for Cindy Faile. Cindy recently received news that her brother suddenly passed away. This has required her to travel home to South Carolina from Mali to be with her family. Please pray for Cindy and all of her family. Pray for peace and comfort.
Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with FBM. Thank you for “holding the ropes” with us as we serve our missionaries and their churches. Please let me know if there is ever any way that I can serve you.
May God richly bless you.
Stephen Simpson