If You Are Willing, God Will Use You
It is very possible that at some point today, Dean Hebron turned on the computer at his home in Virigina and started a zoom call. That call connected him with a classroom of students in Mexico. Depending on the day, he taught them a lesson from one of the two courses he is teaching this semester: “Panorama of Doctrine 1” and “Synopsis of the Old Testament.” Naturally, all his teaching is done in Spanish.

Since 2003, Dean and his wife, Sylvia, have faithfully served atCETyM, a seminary in Pachuca, Mexico. Today, they continueserving from their home in Virginia. They are a picture of God’s provision, grace, and desire to use His people in all seasons and places.
Dean and Sylvia were each saved around the age of 12 – Dean at church and Sylvia at a revival. However, they struggled in their faith for many years. In 1975, as a married couple, they became friends with a Christian couple who clarified the issues of assurance and security of salvation and introduced them to Romans 12:1-2. God used His Word and this couple to ignite a faith and passion in the Hebrons.
Around this time, Dean was working as a music teacher. However, God began giving Dean a burning desire to teach the Bible. God led him to quit his job and enter seminary. It was during this time that the Hebrons first experienced being part of a good church with solid teaching. After seminary, Dean had the opportunity to serve in a variety of ministries including being a youth pastor. God used this season to teach the Hebrons and prepare them for the road ahead.
In 1999, Dean had the opportunity to join a short-term mission trip to Mexico. This trip was life changing for them. Dean’s passion for teaching the Bible was as fresh as ever. The time in Mexico caused him to consider if God wanted them to think about living cross-culturally as full-time missionaries.

After returning home, Dean found an online positing for a teaching position at CETyM, the Mexican seminary started by EMM. A survey trip to the seminary in 2001 confirmed that this was what God wanted them to do. On that trip, Linden Unruh, one of the founders of CETyM, readily agreed that God could use the Hebrons there at the school. God was opening doors and making Dean & Sylvia’s desires a reality.
The next step was to raise support. While many missionaries struggle in this, God blessed the Hebrons with sufficient funds in 18 months. During the season of support raising, God reminded them the power of prayer. This has carried them through many difficult situations. One of their supporting churches asked them for daily prayer requests. To this day, Dean & Sylvia’s prayer bulletins provide one prayer request for each day of the month.
From 2003 to 2011, Dean & Sylvia lived in Mexico and, after language school, faithfully taught at CETyM. This ministry allowed them to train pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers as Paul teaches in 2 Timothy 2:2. Dean taught courses in Old and New Testament, Hebrew, Soteriology and more. Sylvia taught individual music classes to students in piano, voice, flute, and autoharp. Their ministry didn’t end at the seminary. Dean also had the opportunity to co-pastor a mission church with the seminary director. Throughout this time, God blessed the Hebrons with wonderful relationships with their Meixcan neighbors, coworkers, and students.

In 2011, after increasing medical challenges due to the high altitude in Pachuca, the Hebrons made the difficult decision to leave Mexico and return to the US. At that time, they were in their mid-sixties. As they contemplated leaving Mexico, they feared that their ministry was over.
But God wasn’t done with the Hebrons! Even before they left Mexico, CETyM asked if Dean would consider teaching through an online format. God opened the door for Dean & Sylvia to continue their ministry with CETyM. At that time, online courses and communication were not nearly as prevalent as they are now which proved to be a significant challenge for students. However, they persevered! Since 2011, Dean has been able to teach all of his courses in this format. Even now, at age 77, Dean is in the midst of starting the new school year from his home in Virginia. Sylvia continues to minister in administration and communication.

Pray for Dean & Sylvia
In recent years, Dean & Sylvia have both faced a myriad of health challenges. This, combined with their age, has them considering what God has for the next season of life. Recently, Dean officially notified the seminary of his need to consider retirement. With some Mexican teachers facing similar decisions, the seminary is faced with the challenge of finding new teachers. Please pray for wisdom as Dean considers how and when to retire from teaching. Pray also that God would provide new teachers for the seminary. Whenever retirement from the seminary happens, Dean & Sylvia will be looking to continue to serve the Lord in part-time ministry.
At every step of their story, the Hebrons have seen God’s guidance and provision. While they are uncertain of the future, they continue to depend on Him. He called, they answered, and He sustains.
We hope you will join us in praising God for Dean & Sylvia Hebron. If God can use 77-year-old Dean Hebron to teach online courses in Spanish to students in Mexico – How can God use you? Will you ask God today how He wants you to serve Him? If you are willing, God will use you.
Togo Mission Trip
Koku & Akpene Akakpo are FBM missionaries that serve faithfully in Togo. This summer, they welcomed our mission team to the field!

At FBM, we believe mission trips are a valuable experience. They allow the Body of Christ to care for missionaries and see first-hand how God works across cultures. In July, we sent a team of four (3 from FL, 1 from MO) to partner with Koku & Akpene in Togo. Upon arrival, the team jumped right in to exploring the Togolese culture and serving alongside the Akakpo’s during their annual VBS program.
Throughout the week, the team witnessed God’s provision and sovereignty. The Akakpo’s planned this VBS with the expectation that around 300 children would attend. God exceeded their expectations! By the end of the week, almost 500 children were attending. These children heard the Gospel and experienced the love of Christ. Praise the Lord! God knew exactly which children would be there and provided the means to make ministry possible.
God provided an abundance of financial supporters and prayer warriors. He took a team of 4 Americans, with varying ages and cross-cultural experience and sent them over 5,500 miles away. God allowed for smooth travel, visa approvals, and vaccinations. He used His people to donate 4 additional suitcases of clothes, balls, candies, and supplies for our missionaries. He broke down language barriers, provided translators, and even cared for our team in sickness and cultural differences. He was so good!

It’s easy to look at all that was required for the trip and ask, “Was it worth it?” The answer is a resounding YES! Koku shared that many of the children came from surrounding villages with no Gospel preaching church. At VBS, these children heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The volunteers (both Togolese and American) were able to both share Christ and demonstrate the love of Christ.
On a more practical note, our team was able to see the Akakpo’s ministry up-close. As a result, they have returned home better equipped to partner with the Akakpos through prayer and financial support. Additionally, some team members returned with a greater understanding of how God is leading them to serve in ministry.
Pray for Koku & Akpene
Pray for a pastor to lead the church in Misahome. The
Akakpos desire to plant churches in other villages. They cannot do this until a pastor is installed in Misahome.
Pray for Koku & Akpene – for health, strength, and resources as they continue to travel between Misahome and Lome for ministry, and return to the US for a furlough later this year.
Pray for more workers! Truly, “the workers are few.” Pray that God would raise up
additional workers to assist the Akakpos
in Togo.

Prayer Update
In July, we asked you to pray specifically for Ethan Ovenell, the 17-year-old son of Benin Missionaries Colin and Teena. Ethan battled a severe case of malaria that affected his whole body. After being medevac’d to Boston, Ethan spent some time in the hospital. God brought healing and strength to his body. Ultimately, Ethan recovered enough that he & Colin were able to travel to their home in Quincy, WA. We praise God for His healing and provision. Lord willing, Ethan will return to Benin by the end of August.
Thank you for praying and for the financial support you have sent to help the Ovenells. To God be the glory!
FBM’s Newest Faces
Nate & Jill Osborne

We are thrilled to welcome Nate & Jill Osborne to the FBM team. With nearly 35 years of experience in pastoral ministry, Nate & Jill are uniquely equipped to serve at FBM. Nate graduated from Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA. In 1986, he became the pastor of First Baptist Church of Hollisterville, PA. At the beginning, there were five people in the congregation. Over time, God blessed, souls were saved, and that number grew to roughly 350! After nearly 10 years in Hollisterville, God called the Osbornes to Central Florida. There, Nate pastored Faith Baptist Church in Winter Haven for 25 years. Again, God blessed, souls were saved, and the church grew.
In 2020, Nate and Jill retired from Faith Baptist Church and moved to North Carolina. Earlier this year, FBM Executive Director Stephen Simpson approached the Osbornes about the possibility of joining the FBM team. Within a few days, Nate & Jill responded positively and began the process of joining our team.
At FBM, Nate will serve on our Member Care Team and also our Church Relations Team. He has already begun the work of caring for our missionaries. He has already started meeting with pastors to encourage them. At the same time, Nate is in a season of support raising. He is inviting churches and individuals to partner with him through prayer and financial support. It has been amazing to watch God provide.
However, there is still some work to do to reach their financial goals. We are asking God to provide an additional $2,500/month in order be fully funded.
Will you partner with the Osbornes today?
John & Hope Murdoch
We are also excited to welcome John & Hope Murdoch to the FBM family. Since 1974, John has served as a Chaplain with the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the US Air Force Auxiliary. His service has included two terms as their Chief of Chaplains. Since it is a volunteer organization, it is important to understand that CAP has never paid John a salary.

Throughout his time with CAP, John has also served in other ministries. He has 27 years of pastoral
experience at various churches. He has served as a chaplain with his local law enforcement agencies.
Finally, he spent many years serving as the Director of Chaplaincy Ministries with the GARBC.
While with the GARBC, John travelled constantly. He visited GARBC churches across America. He ministered to Chaplains stationed around the world. God greatly used John and Hope to encourage and strengthen those on the front lines of battle.
Today, God is still using John & Hope Murdoch. They continue to influence those around them. For example, just this month, John wrote these words,
“I am the chaplain for our local AMVETS Post, and I received a call from one of our members asking for assistance. Their loved one was dying, and their clergy was unavailable. I ministered to the family and had the funeral, at which 10 people received Christ!”
Chaplain John Murdoch
At FBM, John & Hope will continue their chaplaincy ministries and use their years of experience to encourage our missionaries. They will minister to pastors and seek to encourage them. It is exciting to consider how God will use John & Hope in the days to come.
Like all of our missionaries, John & Hope have a team of individuals and churches who partner with them through prayer and financial support. We’re asking God to provide an additional $900/month to help John & Hope reach their financial goals.
Will you partner with the Murdochs today?
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