Born into a religious family, Koku knew about Church, but nothing about “salvation.” The turning point in his life happened in 1986 when he was 21 years old. He left his parents to continue his education in Lomé, the capital city of Togo. One Sunday morning, Koku went to a church service with his cousin. That Sunday, the Holy Spirit convicted Koku of his sins and his need of salvation through Christ. He committed his life to Christ and received Him as his personal Savior and Lord. Akpene also grew up in Lomé. She was taught that no one is condemned to hell without freely deciding to reject God’s salvation. That was before her cousin invited her to a Baptist service when she was 18 years old. That night the pastor talked about Revelation 20:15. Akpene was affected by his message and she accepted Jesus as her Savior.
After their professions of faith in Christ, God called them to minister to their own people. Akpene joined an evangelism group and started helping in AWANA at her church. Koku had some hesitations. His culture required him, as the first born, to financially support his younger brothers and sisters. During this time Koku met Akpene and they got married. For six years he supported his family by working in a pharmacy. However God had other plans for Koku. The time came for Koku to serve as a full-time minister. After having three years’ training at a Bible institute in Togo, Koku and Akpene started a church planting ministry. God used them to accomplish a fruitful ministry in leading souls to eternal life in Christ.

In 2005, they left behind a congregation of one hundred fifty believers to come to the United States to pursue their education in theology and missions. But, upon arriving in the United States, they were faced with a language barrier. With French being their first language, there was no way to enroll immediately in any college. So, they settled in Rushville, Illinois and enrolled in ESL classes. During this time in Rushville, God providentially allowed Koku to minister to a large group of Togolese refugees. God blessed Koku and Akpene’s ministry in Illinois but He still put a desire in their heart to go back to Togo. It took 10 years for Koku and Akpene to learn English. Once they received their GED, they enrolled at Calvary University in Kansas City. They had seen the hand of God guiding their lives through His purpose. He provided the major part of their scholarships through their home church in Littleton, Illinois. Their first trip back home to Togo was in 2014. They traveled to the city Koku grew up in. During their trip they organized an evangelism program which included the Jesus Film, followed by the preaching of the Gospel. To the glory of God, within three nights, 70 people came to know Christ. Returning to Togo and ministering to their own people only increased their desire to return home to Togo full time.

With the support of two churches and some individuals, Koku and Akpene made their second mission trip to Togo in 2015. While there, they mentored and encouraged the new believers. They also helped the church build their own building for Bible studies, prayer, and Sunday services. The church’s name is. “EGLISE BAPTISTE BIBLIQUE de KOLO.” Her surname in their dialect is “AGBEMO” which means “Jesus is the Way of Life.”
During their third mission trip in 2017, Koku and Akpene explored the Lomé area with Pastor Kavi Hope, one of their ministry team members. They shared the Gospel with Togolese people. God did some amazing things in Togo. People’s lives were changing through the power of the Gospel. While Koku and Akpene were there, three believers were baptized and five were in the baptismal class to be baptized at a later time. Koku and Akpene partnered with Pastor Kavi and helped the church rent a property with a shelter on it for their weekly meetings and Sunday worship.
Koku and Akpene graduated from college in 2018 with a burning desire to go back home to Africa. They started looking for a mission agency to partner with and God led them to FBM. Koku and Akpene joined FBM in July of 2018. God found Koku and Akpene faithful and provided them with a team of ministry partners. Thanks to that team of supporters, Koku and Akpene have received 60% of the support needed for them to go back to the mission field in Togo.
Today, Koku and Akpene’s efforts have been stalled by COVID-19. They had several speaking arrangements canceled due to the pandemic. Lord willing they want to go back to Togo in January of 2021. Please keep them in your prayers as they work through this journey to go home. Should you feel led to partner with Koku and Akpene as a monthly supporter or to give them a one-time gift please send your contributions to Faith Baptist Mission, PO Box 866, Eagle Lake, FL 33839. Please write in the memo section “Koku & Akpene Akakpo (The Rope)”. Or to donate online please click the link below.
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