The year is almost over. That means it is time to reflect. What did God do in 2024? What will He do in 2025? Moments like this can quickly become overwhelming. However, for those who follow Jesus Christ, we must remind ourselves that we serve a God who is never overwhelmed. He has directed our steps throughout 2024 and we can confidently trust that He will direct us into 2025.
As I reflect on 2024, I see so many reasons to praise God.
- Praise God for the new families that joined FBM in 2024.
- Praise God for the work that has been done on the Walter Gomez Evangelical Center campus in Pachuca, Mexico.
- Praise God for new vehicles for our missionaries in Nicaeagua and Southeast Asia.

Jose Maradiaga’s (Nicaragua) new truck
- Praise God that work on the Mounzou Camp in Mali has begin again. Rich & Anna Marshall were able to spend significant time there in 2024 and were able to help get the project moving forward again.
- Praise God for our first Mission Trip to Togo and the roughly 500 children who attended VBS.
- Praise God that Lia, a young girl in Southeast Asia, returned to Rumah Lissy Salatiga, the orphanage run by Ken & BJ Armstrong.
- Praise God that the Darlings have deployed to Spain and are getting settled.
- Praise God for the work that has been done in Central Benin. Homes have been built and the property continues to be developed.
- Praise God for new ministry partners. Many of our missionaries added individual supporters and churches in 2024.
- Praise God for healing Ethan Ovenell, one of our MKs, who was medically evacuated from West Africa to the US this past summer. He has recovered and is back in Benin.
The list could go on and on. We serve a great God. It is right for us to praise Him for what He has done in 2024. At the same time, we must also praise Him for what He will do in 2025. While we do not know what will happen in 2025, we do know who created the future. God is the author of tomorrow. So, we must not be anxious about tomorrow. We must trust that God has a wonderful plan for all of us in 2025. And – we must praise Him for what He will do in us and through us in the year to come.
As you read this newsletter, join us in praising God for all He is doing through FBM. Learn what we are asking God to do in 2025. Considering partnering with us.

1. Benin Mission HQ & Lodging for Bible School Students

Our National Partners in Benin have asked FBM to help them complete the finishing phases of a new national office in Cotonou. It will be used for mission operations, mission archives, Bible Institute archives as well as guest lodging. The rough construction of the project has been completed. The remaining portion of the project includes placing doors and windows, finishing plumbing, electrical
and painting to complete the office space as well as guest rooms for visiting pastors and Bible School students. The facility will primarily function as a meeting place for our National Partners and to provide lodging for students traveling in for intensive Bible courses.
Will you help our National Pastors in Benin?
Goal: $12,000

2. Rumah Lissy Salatiga
FBM continues to partner with Ken & BJ Armstrong and Rumah Lissy Salatiga (RLS), the orphanage they operate out of their home in Southeast Asia. God continues adding to their family! Ela and Thero came at the end of 2023. After much prayer, and a lengthy absence, Lia returned earlier this year! In 2024, well over $10,000 was spent caring for the physical, medical, educational, and spiritual needs of the children.

Will you help us care for the children of RLS?
Goal: $10,000
3. MCCW – Chad Winsor Flights
God is using MCCW and Chad Winsor to meet the unique construction needs of missionaries around the world. In 2024, Chad assisted with projects in Liberia, Paraguay, Belize, and here in the US. Most of these projects are complex, requiring Chad’s general contractor skills and expertise. As we look toward 2025, we are asking God to provide several plane tickets for Chad. Current projects are ongoing in Belize, Liberia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, and Uganda.

Will you send Chad around the world to help missionaries with their projects?
Goal: $5,000
4. West Africa Reflief

Sharp price increases have become widespread across West Africa. Additionally, extremists have increasingly made life difficult for believers in more rural villages. With our West Africa Relief Fund, FBM attempts to meet physical and practical needs in West Africa. For example, this year, nearly $3,500 was sent to Northern Mali to help a pastor whose church was inundated with refugees who were fleeing extremist persecution. These funds were used to provide temporary shelter and food. As a result, the pastor had countless opportunities to share Christ.
Will you help us replenish our West Africa Reflief Fund?
Goal: $5,000
5. Nigeria Health Clinic
Many years ago, God used David & Comfort Jacobs to plant Bible Baptist Church in Ilorin, Nigeria. Today, that church is thriving under the leadership of a Godly National Pastor. Recently the church began construction on a health clinic. We are praying that God will use this clinic to advance the Gospel in their community. Funds are needed to finish construction.

Will you partner with Bible Baptist Church in Nigeria?
Goal: $30,000
6. Mounzou Camp Project – Mali

Work has resumed on the Mounzou Camp Project in Mali. This project will benefit churches throughout Mali. The first dorm is nearing completion and work continues on the perimeter security wall. The next big item to be built is the outdoor covered basketball court, which will also function as a meeting hall for evangelism and conferences. God has already provided all of the necessary steel.
However, funds are needed to purchase the cement, rebar, sand, and gravel. Rich Marshall estimates that an additional $12,000 is needed to purchase these materials.
Will you partner with the churches in Mali?
Goal: $12,000
7. West Africa Church Planting
FBM is actively engaged in church planting efforts across West Africa. In 2024, we spent $4,400 on efforts to assist churches and pastors. As we look to 2025, we are asking God to provide additional funds so that we can assist in even more tangible ways. One example is in Nigeria. Funds are needed to help Pastor Abraham’s church building and property. Additional funds will be sued to strengthen churches and pastors across our West African fields.
Will you help our church planting efforts in West Africa?

8. Walter Gomez Evangelism Center Projects
Work continues at the Walter Gomez Evangelism Center (WGEC) in Pachuca, Mexico. In 2024, lots of work was done on he Administrative Building as well as the Dining Hall. As we look toward 2025, a group of 24 is headed to Pachuca in April. Additionally, several are already talking about going down in October. To best serve these teams, funds are needed to purchase tools and supplies for the work they intend to do.

Upcoming projects include roof and skylight repairs, electrical repairs, concrete work, painting and more.
Will you partner with us as we continue working to improve the WGEC campus?

9. FBM Annual Fund
Our Annual Fund Continues to be one of the most foundational ways you can partner with FBM. It helps cover the standard operating costs we face here in the home office. Additionally, it helps us respond to the unexpected needs that arise in the lives of our missionaries. Partner with us today and help us “Glorify God by obeying the Great Commission and caring for those we serve.”

Will you help us love and care for our missionaries?

Thank you for reading this edition of The Rope! It has been a joy to share with you what God is doing through FBM and our missionaries around the world. We are excited as we look to 2025 and what God may have planned. If you want to support any of the projects listed – you can give safely and securely online using the button above or by mailing a check to our mailing address. Please clearly indicate which projects you are supporting.