Editor’s Note: From time to time, we like to provide these updates to past editions of The Rope, our printed newsletter. Today’s update looks back to our Special Edition Rope that was mailed out in November 2020. We hope you will praise God with us for His abundant provision!
Last November, we mailed our Special Edition of The Rope to all of our ministry partners. The response we have received continues to overwhelm us. We praise God for what He has done. Below are some brief updates on a few of the projects that were featured in that newsletter.
- West Africa Relief Fund – Hopefully, you have already read the report we posted to our website that details response to the Niger Flooding. If not, please make sure you read part 1 and part 2. You will learn that over $80,000 has been donated to help us respond to the needs in Niger. Read the articles to see how we have responded to this crisis.

- Aguascalientes Christian School (Mexico) – I am so thrilled to let you know that this project has been completed. Praise the Lord.
- Married Student Housing (Mexico) – We have recently had a church reach out to us and express an interest in providing the remaining funding needed for this project! Lord willing, this project will be completed in 2021.
- Rumah Lissy Salatiga – $5,000 was received to help educate the children in the orphanage in Southeast Asia.

- Mounzou Camp Project (Mali) – Over $12,000 was contributed to help us with this project. We praise God that we are nearing the completion of Phase 1.
- WASP Scholarships (West Africa) – This project surpassed its goal of $10,000. These scholarships will be vital to our efforts in West Africa. As we wrote in The Rope, “Trained nationals are needed to help the churches fulfill the Great Commission.”
- Boiffo Elementary School – Once again, God has provided. Many gifts were sent in to help with this project. Recently, a church contacted us and expressed a desire to provide the remaining funds needed for this project! Lord willing, these funds will be received in the near future so that this important project can move forward.
Every project we promoted in this Special Edition of The Rope received support. We are so thankful for each on of you who partnered with us on these projects. We hope it encourages you to see what God is doing. He is using all of us to accomplish His purposes around the world.
If you have any questions about any of these projects, please do not hesitate to contact us.