Editor’s Note: From time to time, we like to provide these updates to past editions of The Rope, our printed newsletter. Today’s update looks back to Koku & Akpene Akakpo’s story that was mailed out in September 2020. We hope you will praise God with us for His abundant provision! (If you did not read their story please take time to view it here)
When this newsletter was released Koku & Akpene had 60% of their support met and wanted to return to Togo in Jan. 2021. Below are some brief update about Koku & Akpene’s ministry in Togo.
There was a great outpouring of support from our FBM donors. Many gave one time gifts, some offered to support the Akakpos monthly, and others, who already supported their ministry, wanted to increase their giving.
God is good.
God provided, through generous donors, the support Koku & Akpene needed to reach their goal of returning to Togo in Jan. 2021.

On January 24th, Stephen Simpson was in Littleton, IL for the commissioning service of Koku & Akpene. Their sending church, First Baptist, hosted a beautiful service. It was such a joy to celebrate all that God has done in the Akakpo’s life. On March 12, a packed 40-foot container left Winter Haven, FL and began its journey to Togo.

While in Togo, God has opened many ministries opportunities. Koku & Akpene have reconnected with the church they started while on a mission trip, Koku was recently able to baptize two young men, and they were able to help drill a well for the town’s people to have clean water.
Please continue to pray for the Akakpos as the Lord opens new doors for them to minister to their follow Togolese. Pray for wisdom as they assistance the church in Togo. It is not well established yet and needs spiritual growth and leadership.
If you would like to support the Akakpo’s ministry in Togo, please follow the link and in the designation mark it as “Koku Akakpo”.