Wow! So far, the theme for 2023 is “unexpected.” When I consider all that has happened since January 1, I am amazed and overwhelmed. Join me for a brief look back on the past few weeks.
On Saturday, February 4, I received a phone call from Colin Ovenell, FBM Missionary to Benin. Colin called to see if there was any way that I could travel to Benin on short notice to teach a one-week module in the Bible School. After a few days of prayer and consideration, I said “yes.” Five days after his call, I boarded a plane to begin the journey to Benin. Mehdi Merred, from Colin’s church in Quincy, WA, also joined me and served as my translator for the week. It turned out to be a wonderful week of teaching on Genesis 1-11. I praise God for this “unexpected” opportunity to serve our missionaries.

Additionally, it has been stunning to watch God provide for FBM in some “unexpected” ways. Since last fall, there have been several Estate Gifts that have come to FBM. Some of these have been directed towards specific missionaries or projects, while others have been unrestricted gifts to FBM. Each time, it has been an “unexpected” blessing from God. It is always exciting to watch God provide. To God be the Glory!
Finally, I recently received an “unexpected” resignation letter from our Office Manager, Shanna Felice. For three years, Shanna has served faithfully in our home office. Her departure will leave a huge hole in our office! But, we are trusting God to provide. Please pray with us as we search for a new office manager. If you live in the Central Florida area and would like to learn more about this position, please visit To apply, simply email your resume to me at
Times like these remind me that God is in control of all of our lives. We make plans, but ultimately it is God who directs our steps. It is such a comfort to know that God is in control. Nothing overwhelms Him or is beyond His abilities! To God, nothing is “unexpected.” What a glorious thought!
Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to fulfill our mission. FBM exists to Glorify God by obeying the Great Commission and caring for those we serve. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. May God richly bless you.