In 1793, William Carey obeyed the call of God on his life and left England to take the Gospel to India. As he left, Carey said to his friends and fellow pastors, “I will go down, if you will hold the ropes.” With these words, he challenged his fellow believers to pray for him and to support him financially. One of those believers was a
pastor named Andrew Fuller.
Until his death in 1814, Fuller diligently “held the ropes.” He travelled throughout his country promoting the work in India and advocating on behalf of Carey and his co-workers. He prayed, raised funds, and preached missions-related sermons. The missionaries in India could focus on advancing the Gospel because they knew Fuller was back home “holding the ropes” for them.
In the same way, FBM “holds the ropes” for our missionaries today. We tell their stories. We advocate on their behalf. We uphold them in prayer. We encourage them and care for them.
Our quarterly newsletter, The Rope, takes its name from Carey’s famous words and Fuller’s faithfulness. With these newsletters we invite you to partner with us in “holding the ropes” for our missionaries.
This current newsletter casts a vision for what we believe God can do in 2023. It is a big vision. But, we have an even bigger God! Please pray with us as you read through this newsletter. Pray with us as we trust God for the resources to accomplish the vision He has laid before us.
May God richly bless you!
01. Mexico Church Planting $21,615 still needed

For the past few years, we have been seeking to spur the planting of churches in Mexico. We currently are partnering with three church plants. All three are in locations where there are few, if any, solid believers. Futhermore, a pastor from Cuba has accepted an invitation to re-locate to Mexico to assist with one of these churches. Funds are needed for monthly support of these three church plants and also for expenses associated with the pastor relocating his family from Cuba to Mexico. We are asking God for $40,000 to assist in these efforts.
Will you partner with us to plant churches in Mexico?
02. Togo Missahome Church Building $45,994 still needed

While the church in Missahome, Togo, continues to meet in a temporary shelter, work has begun to improve the property. A well has been dug and significant work has been done to improve the flooding issues that occur during rainy season. Construction has begun on a building to provide two Sunday school classrooms and additional storage. Architectural plans have been drawn for the new church building and we are asking God to provide $60,000 for the construction of this building.
Will you partner with the Christians in Missahome?
03. BBC Health Clinic $23,686 still needed

In the 1980s, God used Dr. & Mrs. David Jacobs to plant Bible Baptist Church (BBC) in Ilorin, Nigeria. Their desire was to plant a church that was doctrinally sound and Gospel focused. Since that time, God has blessed and the church has grown. Earlier this year, Dr. Jacobs was called home to heaven and his body was laid to rest on the grounds of the church. BBC has a desire to open a health clinic at their church. They believe this clinic will help them reach people in their community with the Gospel.
Will you partner with Bible Baptist Church in Nigeria?
04. West Africa Church Planting $6,000 goal

Planting new churches is a priority in all of our West African fields. Our West Africa Church Planting Fund is used in a variety of ways to assist these efforts. As we look to 2023, we hope to use these funds to meet a specific need in Nigeria. We are trusting God for $6,000 to purchase land in Nigeria for Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church led by Pastor Abraham. The church currently rents a local hall and desires their own land for long-term growth and stability.
Will you partner with us to assist church planting efforts in West Africa?
05. The Mounzou Multipurpose Park (PHASE 2) $27,000 still needed

Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches (FEEB) and FBM recognized a need for their own property which could be used for conferences, retreats, camps, offices, and more. So, in 2019, under the direction of Rich & Anna Marshall, property was purchased and the development of the camp began. Eventually, this property will provide a place for the annual camps and spiritual retreats hosted by FEEB. Camping/spiritual retreats have been a powerful tool to get young people excited about the gospel. Currently they are working on finishing the Girl’s dormitory, the covered basketball court, volleyball court and a soccer field. To finish this phase of construction an additional $27,000 is needed.
Will you help us complete phase two?
06. Rumah Lissy Salatiga $6,000 goal

Ken & BJ Armstrong live and minister in Southeast Asia. One of their primary ministries is an orphanage that they operate out of their home. Since 2008, God has added several children to their family. Some children stay only for a short time. Others become permanent members of the Armstrong family. Each of these children comes from heart-breaking situations. One of the biggest expenses associated with the orphanage is the cost of educating the children. Ken & BJ’s desire is for all of the children to attend a local Christian school as opposed to the government run schools. Additionally, one of the children has some special needs which require her to have a dedicated shadow teacher. This school year, the Armstrongs are expecting it to cost roughly $6,000 to educate the children.
Will you help Ken & BJ educate these children in a Christ-centered environment?
07. Benin Land Project – PHASE 2 $39,526 still needed

Our new project in Central Benin is moving forward. Once completed, this property will have missionary housing, camp & conference facilities, and maintenance facilities. Funding for Phase 1 is complete! We praise God for providing $60,000 to purchase land, complete paperwork, and begin infrastructure improvements. Phase 2 includes a Mission Duplex guesthouse and the first missionary house. Our goal for phase 2 is $70,000.
Will you partner with us in Central Benin?
08. Mission Trip Scholarships $12,000 goal

This year, FBM added the position of Mission Trips Coordinator. This reflects a new emphasis on short-term mission trips. Lord willing, in 2023, FBM will send out a minimum of three mission teams to help at the seminary in Mexico. You can learn about these trips at We estimate these trips costing roughly $1,200 per person. We would like to be able to offer scholarships for those who might be unable to afford to go. Our goal is to have funds available for 10 scholarships.
Will you help send someone on a mission trip to Mexico?
09. Missionary Encouragement Fund $15,000 goal

FBM’s Missionary Encouragement Fund is used to meet the unique and often unexpected needs of our missionaries. Since its inception in 2018, over $130,000 has been used to directly encourage our missionaries. So far, in 2022, we have deployed roughly $15,000 to specifically help our missionaries. We have helped with medical needs, home repairs, travel costs, and more. Your gift will enable us to respond quickly whenever an unexpected need arises.
Will you help us encourage our missionaries?