This month, as I write this update, I am preparing to travel to Wisconsin Rapids, WI. I have the privilege of speaking at Calvary Baptist Church’s Mission Conference, Oct 16-19. This is the sending church of Faye Obgartel. Please pray for me as I speak. Lord willing, the following weekend, I will be at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Lakeland, FL for their mission conference to give an update on FBM. Cornerstone is the sending church for Ken & BJ Armstrong and Rob & Jackie Ernst.
This month, I have a few prayer requests and one announcement to share with you. Thank you for praying for FBM and its missionaries.
Sylvia Hebron

Dean & Sylvia Hebron continue to serve at the Seminary in Pachuca, Mexico from their home in Virginia. Dean teaches courses virtually. Today, I ask you to pray for them. Sylvia recently had hip replacement surgery. Following the surgery, there were some complications that required a second surgery. Please pray for a quick healing and recovery. Pray for Dean & Sylvia as they face decisions regarding physical therapy.
Rich Marshall

Rich Marshall continues to heal from his significant leg injury. Continue to pray for his bone to grow and for his body to fight off any remaining infection. Praise God for the excellent medical care that he has received. Pray for God to give Rich and Anna wisdom and patience as they wait on his timing.
Simpson Family

This has been a month to remember in the Simpson household. Since last month’s letter, my 15-year-old daughter (Abi) tore the ACL and Meniscus in her knee and my 10-year-old son (Josiah) fractured his wrist. Additionally, here in Central Florida, we were “visited” by Hurricane Ian. It has been interesting, to say the least! Please pray for Abi as she undergoes ACL reconstruction surgery on Friday, October 21. Pray for the rehab and recovery that will follow her surgery.
Mission Trips
FBM is planning several mission trips to Mexico for 2023. Our first one is coming up in April and there are a few spots still available. There is a December 15, 2022 deadline to sign up for the April trip. Visit to learn more. You can also contact our Mission Trips Coordinator, Bill Donnan, at 518-774-4844 or with any questions you may have.
FBM exists to glorify God by obeying the Great Commission and caring for those we serve. Because of your partnership, we are able to do what God has called us to do. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. May God richly bless you.