Benin Project Update

Last August, we introduced you to a new project in Central Benin. God provided three parcels of land that total roughly 66 acres. Our vision is to develop the land as a centralized base of operations in the country. Our prayer is that God will use this property to advance the Gospel throughout Benin. The plans for this property include missionary housing, camp/conference facilities, and a maintenance building. Since August, our team has been hard at work on this project. It is exciting to tell you about all that has been accomplished.
- Getting a property title in West Africa is often difficult and complicated. Of the three parcels, we have the title for one parcel. By the time you read this, we hope to have the title for the second parcel. Getting the title for the 3rd parcel has proven extra difficult, but we are making progress.
- Fencing has been installed around the perimeter of roughly 1/3 of the entire property.
- Roadways are being developed throughout the property.
- Work has begun on two of the three missionary homes, a maintenance shop, and a concrete tower.
We praise God for all the work that has been completed so far! We also praise God for His abundant provision of funds. So far, He has provided over $162,000 towards the completion of this project. These funds have allowed us to purchase the land and do the work listed above. Will you rejoice with us at all that God has done? Pause and thank Him for these past 10 months. We serve a great God who is doing great things in Benin.
Will you help us finish this project?
We are asking God to provide another $50,000 to help us finish this project. Funds are still needed to finish the camp/conference facilities, the maintenance shops, one of the three missionary homes, and the remaining infrastructure needs (fencing, roadways, etc.).

Mexico Mission Trip Reflection
In April, FBM took a mission team of 12 individuals to Pachuca, Mexico for a week. We spent our time working on the campus of the Walter Gomez Seminary. We painted, cleaned, recaulked windows, repaired stone work, and more. Two of our team members were Don and Judah. Don lives in the Pacific Northwest and Judah, his 11 year old grandson, lives in Virginia. We asked Don to share some of his thoughts on the April trip.

Being able to spend time with my grandson Judah was a worthwhile reason to go on this trio. This was the first time Judah and I have done something like this by ourselves. I was privileged to see different sides of him, to get to know him better, and love him so much better. We had a great time.

I also enjoyed working with the students from the seminary that were helping. We couldn’t speak a common language well, but still we were able to get to know one another. We started by learning how to caulk a window and quickly moved to their favorite activities, classes, people, and talents. It was a blessing to see their skills and character which gives me even more hope for the future in Pachuca. I pray that God will fill the Seminary Campus with dedicated Christians from all over Central America so that they can learn how to better speak Jesus’ love to whomever, wherever. While that’s bigger than a 7-day painting trip that we experienced, this is a worthy target of attention, funding, and support based on my first-hand observation and built on my long-time relationship with the Unruh family. Paul and Eunice Unruh are smart, wise, dedicated servants. It was a privilege to serve them.
Throughout the trip God taught me to stay real, and to learn at every opportunity from everyone. He taught me to be patient instead of picky, to do good work, and to look for the best in others. Our team leaders did a great job organizing us – always having the right guy to teach a specific task. They encouraged us and kept us going, and moving toward the proper endings. The end result looked good. It was a successful trip.
Thanks to Don for sharing his thoughts with us. Imagine the memories that Don and Judah made on this trip. In addition to Don and Judah, our team consisted of one other grandfather/grandson pair as well as two sets of fathers/sons.
Will you join us on our October trip?

We are going September 30-October 7,2023.
For more information visit
Be careful – going on a trip like this just might change your life!
Raising Cattle for Missions?
What if missions looked different than you thought? Today we’d like to share about a family that is supporting missiong in a way that is “different” and ask you to consider if this could be you?

Years ago, Rob and Carol Bemman founded Crystal Beach Farm in Winter Haven, FL with the intention of horse breeding. After some challenges, they shifted their focus from horses to cattle. Today, Rob and Carol’s pasture is home to 24 cows! While it hasn’t always been easy, Carol speaks fondly of her cows. In a recent conversation with us, Carol emphasized both the joy and the financial stability these cows have brought their land and family.

Just over a year ago, FBM director Stephen Simpson approached Rob and Carol and invited them to participate in STEER, Inc.’s cow/calf program. STEER’s vision is to partner with farmers and ranchers as an alternative means of providing financial support for missionaries. Instead of writing a check, Rob and Carol “adopted” two STEER cows – Ruby and Maybelle. STEER purchased these cows and pays any required veterinary bills. Rob and Carol simply agreed to lodge them and feed them. Once the cows have calves, these calves are sold in STEER’s name and the funds go to support FBM.
Having bred both Ruby and Maybelle, Carol welcomed her first STEER calf, named Hallelujah, this April and expects Maybelle’s calf to make an appearance soon. Though she is still fairly new to STEER, Carol shared that working with STEER isn’t a burden since she’s already raising cows, adding two more makes little difference. The difference it does make is that it allows her to engage missions in a whole new way.
Do you raise cattle? If so, would you be willing to partner with us in this unique ministry?
If you are interest in talking with us about this program, please let us know! We will follow-up with you promptly and answer any questions you may have. You can use the “Contact Us” feature here on the website, call us at (863) 229-7938, or email
Introducing New Names and Faces in the FBM Family
Jessica Dekker, Camp Ministry in Colorado

Please join us in welcoming Jessica to the FBM family! Jessica is currently living and serving in Colorado as a cook at Camp IdRaHaJe (“I’d Rather Have Jesus”). In April, Jessica’s church appointed her to an 18-month evaluation/internship through FBM. God opened the door to serve at Camp IdRaHaJe where she started off as a counselor, guiding and investing in the teens who volunteer at the camp. She now serves with the camp full-time as a cook. We look forward to seeing how God leads Jessica and is glorified through her during this internship opportunity with FBM.
Bekka Olandt, FBM Office Manager

We’ve also welcomed a new office manager! After teaching in Hungary for 8 years, God moved Bekka to Florida last August. When she heard of FBM’s opening, she eagerly applied, looking to once again be supporting missionary families. Bekka brings her years of service and missional experience to the table alongside an artistic spirit and organized mind. She is unique in that she loves spreadsheets and graphic design! Bekka is hopeful that she can be an asset to the entire FBM community.
The Darling Family, Church Planting in Spain

Also joining FBM this quarter is the Darling family – Daniel, Karrah, Hannah, Isabella, and Liev. Previously, the Darlings served in Venezula and Spain before returning to the US in 2016. Having now had additional training and pastoral experience, the Darlings feel led back to Spain to plant churches. The Darlings reside in North Carolina and are beginning the deputation process. Their mission is that the preeminence of Christ would be evident and lived out not only in their lives, but also the lives of Spainards. Learn more about the Darlings by visiting